Ambulance Keyboard
Read nowA keyboard that has been designed to work in Ambulance environments. 'iKey SL-86-911' is an example of an Ambulance keyboard.
Read nowBiometric Keyboards measure a humans physical qualities and interaction to gain access/authentication. Examples of physical characteristics are fingerprints or retina scanning. 'Cherry' Keyboards such as the 'G83-14503' and 'Cherry' Mouse like the 'M-4250' use biometric technology as a built-in fingerprint...
Clean-Me Alert System
Read nowEsterline patented technology which tells the user when the keyboard needs cleaning via audible sounds and visible lighting. Suitable for medical environments such as hospitals and dentists. 'Medigenic Compliance Keyboard' has this technology.
Compact Keyboard
Read nowA small, mini, micro, compact keyboard which is ideal for mobility. Usually having an integrated/embedded numeric keypad, rather than a dedicated keypad to the side.